Critter Creek Ranch
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Half Moon Bridge

The bridge across the creek.
The bridge was the first big project. The dirt was cut in a two step pattern similar to how Cal-Trans does bridge construction to be earthquake safe.
A Masonary consultant looked at the rebar and suggested it be doubled, so the featured picture only shows half of the rebar that was installed. The pipes from left to right: Special Effects Road Lighting, Communications, Power, Main Water and Supply Water.
The concrete form was constructed from salvaged wood.
We used a Pumper for the far side concrete.
With the forms removed, you can see the center stabilizer steel dowel.
I used round wood and ramps to move the phone polls into position.
Michael and Jason helped screw down the redwood deck.
Center stabilizer and support polls in place.
Antiquing has started on the used round post hand rails.
The appearance of tar treated ends.
The bridge looks like it has been here for years.
Lots of aging on the deck.
There is a conduit hub on either side of the bridge. (There are many conduit hubs around the property.)
Breaking a bottle of Champaign to christen the bridge. Named “Half Moon Bridge.”
Bridge completion party with the neighbors.
A later picture of the bridge showing water flowing under it.


You can see what was left of the old bridge. It was scary!!


I designed, started construction and finished on a half moon.
Hence. . . “Half Moon Bridge”

, John Rickwald